Deception of the Magician (Waldgrave Book 2) Read online

Page 10

  “Have you unpacked yet?” Ava asked.

  “We’re not staying here, mom. It’s a waste of time because you’re just going to have to pack it all up again tomorrow morning when we leave.”

  “So? There’s no reason we have to live like we’re homeless. It feels homier when your clothes are in the drawers.”

  Lena sighed. It wasn’t like she had anything better to do. She had already given Howard his courtesy call, she wasn’t allowed to leave, and she had all the time in the world until they actually got to Ecuador and started retracing Ben Collins’ steps. She unpacked, knowing full well that she would be repacking in less than twelve hours’ time, then grabbed the remote off the television and settled onto her bed. She turned it on and flicked aimlessly through the channels until Ava stopped her.

  “Wait! What was that?”

  Lena went back a few channels. It was a home design show. They watched silently for a few minutes.

  “Do you think that would look good in the living room?”

  Lena glanced over at her mother. “What?”

  “That kind of paint. Do you think it would look good in the living room?”

  “I don’t know.” Lena looked back at the TV screen, confused. “Why?”

  “I think I’ll try that someday.” Ava said dreamily. “It looks good there, so why not?”

  Lena snorted. “You really think he’d let you do that?”

  They both knew who she was talking about. Master Daray was very particular about the house and the way it was kept; he didn’t like things to change, and when they had to, he liked to maintain a historical feel.

  “He’s going to die soon anyways. I can wait.”

  Lena looked over at her mother. Ava continued to look at the television screen. It was almost funny enough to laugh at, but Lena wasn’t sure if it was appropriate. Then Ava raised her eyebrows.

  “Of course, he’ll probably die a lot sooner if we find it. This is the only thing he’s been holding on for.” She gave Lena a half-smile and a quick glance. “So I guess we need to find it for the sake of our hideous living room…”

  Lena laughed a little. She had never seen this side of Ava before.

  “Would you like some wine? I’m going to order some wine…”

  “They don’t have wine here.”


  Lena pushed the room service menu at Ava. “They don’t have wine.”

  “Well, look at that.” Ava picked up the menu and inspected it closely. “That’s nice they leave you a list. But I need some wine.”

  She got up and wandered over to the open door that adjoined their room to the other one and stuck her head through. “Excuse me, we’re going to need some things from the store. Yes, tonight…” She walked into the other room, and came back a few minutes later. Lena heard the door in the other room open and close again.

  “I hope you like white wine.” Ava said with a pleased grin.

  Lena looked at her mother. “I don’t drink.”

  “What?” Ava looked confused. She settled back onto her bed, fluffing the pillows so she could lean against them. “Why not?”

  Lena gave her mother an ironic look. “Well, I’m only seventeen, mom.”

  “Oh…Since when does that matter? It’s on the table every night.”

  Lena sighed. “I guess I don’t like it.”

  Ava reclined further on her bed. Her eyes drifted across the ceiling. “You got that from your father. I suppose I got my drinking habits from him, too.”

  Lena went back to watching television. Ava was quiet for a long time. Eventually, whoever had gone came back with Ava’s order. She went into the other room again and came back with a bag containing two bottles of wine and a box of crackers. She offered some to Lena, who refused, and then ate her meal in silence. They went to bed, repacked their bags early the next day, and then they got back on the road.

  Days and hotels began to stream together after that point because they never stayed longer than one night anywhere. The scenery changed as the days rolled by, and Ava slowly became more alcoholic and loopy as boredom and apprehension overtook her. She had never liked traveling. But as she began to crutch more heavily on alcohol to calm her nerves, she began to do lose her inhibitions and became much more fun to be around. Even when they were riding in separate vehicles, she was fun to be around. She provided a running commentary of the events around her that kept Lena amused.

  So, how are you?

  Two days earlier, Lena had discovered that even though she couldn’t do private thought-speak, sending text messages via cell phone was just as effective. She sent a quick one to Ava, saying she was doing okay. Ava was riding in the sedan at the front of the caravan; Lena was riding in the van just behind between Griffin and Master Brendon.

  Well, things are starting to get interesting up here. Jasper Barton is asleep in the seat next to me. I’m in the back, if you couldn’t guess…but with the way Matias Rivera drives, just thought I’d clarify that the sleeper is in the back. He’s got his head leaned back and he’s making this noise that’s like…like a cross between a whistle and a shrieking cat, but quieter. He hasn’t started to drool yet, but if he’s anything like he was yesterday, it won’t be long…

  Lena’s cell phone buzzed, and she saw that Howard was calling. She let it go to voice mail before she sent a text message to see what he wanted.

  Yep. And there’s the drool. It’s hanging out of the right corner of his mouth like an icicle on the eaves. Swaying dangerously—nope, there it goes. He’s drooling on himself.

  Howard called again, and this time Lena answered.

  “Hello?” She said, hoping that the conversation would be brief.

  “How’s your trip?”

  “It’s good. How are you?”

  There was a pause. “Oh, it’s been busy here, as usual. Maybe even more busy than usual, because there’s been a good deal of curiosity about where you all are and how you’re doing, so I’ve started giving out regular email updates on where you all are. They’re expecting too much too soon, I think. The real mission doesn’t even start until you get to Ecuador.”

  He’s got a good flow of spittle all the way from his mouth down his shoulder. It’s pretty amazing, actually. It’s almost like a slow-motion waterfall of gigantic bodily proportions…He’s the eighth natural wonder of the world!

  Lena tried to stifle a laugh. “Anything else new?”

  “Oh, the usual. A lot more applications for Council Representation coming in, and Mrs. Corbett has apparently been stirring up some trouble with the Alarid’s house staff, but not much else.”

  Oh my God!

  Lena craned her neck to try and see into the sedan in front of her. “Yeah?”

  He’s fallen on me and I can’t get him to sit back up!

  “Yeah.” There was a beep on the line, and Howard sighed. “Hmm…I think I need to let you go. Someone on the other line.”

  “Okay…” Lena said distractedly. “Bye.”

  “Okay, call me at your next stop.” Howard said seriously. “Bye.”

  Through the rear window of the sedan, Lena watched as Ava struggled to try to push Jasper Barton’s sleeping form off of her and finally resorted to beating him with the neck pillow she had brought along. He woke with a start and sat up.

  Oh, that was so, so gross. I call first shower tonight. Please inform Master Mason that I will be requiring my usual wine tonight, and I’d also like to go out to dinner if you can swing it. I’m going to take a nap…

  Lena heaved a sigh in exasperation. She hated when Ava used her favor with the Council to get herself things. Dinner out did sound good, though; they’d had nothing but fast food since leaving Waldgrave. Lena cleared her throat, unbuckled her seat belt, and leaned forward into the front of the van. She talked as quietly as she could so that only Greg would hear.

  “My mom’s going to need someone to go shopping for her again…” She said meekly.

  From the driver’s seat,
Greg glanced quickly over at her. “Again? What happened to the stuff we bought yesterday?”

  Lena paused. “It’s gone.”

  Greg glanced over at her. “You’re telling me she drank two bottles of wine since last night?”

  Lena gave him a sheepish look. She had actually left half of one of the bottles in the last hotel room, but it was still a lot of wine for one person. Greg gave her an incredulous look.

  “Maybe. I’ll see if anyone’s willing, but she’s starting to slow us down.”

  “Um, also…She wants to go out to dinner tonight.” Lena bit her lip to keep from laughing. It really was funny how they all insisted that they weren’t catering to Ava’s needs when they so clearly were. Griffin was especially bad, as he had been elected to fetch her requests for the last three days in a row; it was probably because he wasn’t a full Council member yet.

  “Maybe.” Greg said. He glanced over again. “Not likely.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” Lena leaned back in her seat. Griffin sighed very loud next to her. When she looked over, he caught her eye.

  Did she really drink all of that last night?

  Lena nodded slightly.

  She drank a whole bottle the night before last as well?

  Lena nodded.

  I’m not getting her any more. You shouldn’t let her drink like that.

  Lena rolled her eyes at him. Ava was harmless; sure, she was drinking, but it made her so much easier to handle in large doses.

  I’m serious. We don’t need problems on this trip, and you should really take better care of her.

  Lena didn’t respond. After several minutes had gone by, Griffin started again.

  I’ve just been informed that we’re stopping to have dinner tonight.

  Lena looked over at him with interest. He wasn’t smiling.

  I really don’t think we should, but as has been made very clear, I’m not in charge here.

  They drove on for two more hours before pulling into a smallish diner off the freeway. They were seated at a handful of tables, and given the current mood towards the non-Council members as burdensome luggage, Lena was unlucky enough to get to sit with Ava, Griffin, and Master Spelman, a thin, blond, tired-looking man who was there to baby-sit. There was a good deal of sports memorabilia glued to the walls and a bar off in one corner. The smells of grilling and margaritas wafted through the dimly lit room. A sign on the wall boasted ‘The best grilled steaks since 1962.’

  “I can’t believe we stopped. This is ridiculous.” Master Spelman unfolded his napkin into his lap.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Griffin glared at Ava, who ignored him and looked at Lena.

  “What are you getting?” She said, smiling coyly.

  Lena looked the menu over. It had been a long time since she’d had to order food in a restaurant. She found herself almost overwhelmed at having so many options. “Does anyone see a chicken section?”

  “Second page.”

  She thanked Master Spelman and flipped to the right page. None of the chicken dishes appealed to her, so she started hunting again. The waitress came over to take drink orders. Ava, of course, wanted her usual.

  “I’ll have white wine.”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, we don’t carry wine.”

  “Oh? What do you carry?”

  Griffin cleared his throat loudly. “She’ll have water.”

  The table went silent as everyone looked at Griffin. He had already gone back to looking at his menu. When Ava didn’t speak up after a while, the waitress took the rest of the drink orders and left. Lena still wasn’t sure what she was getting.

  Just get a salad…

  She glared over at Griffin, who was perusing his own menu innocently, then decided she was getting something big and complex. When the waitress came back, she was ready.

  “I’ll have the cheeseburger with American cheese, bacon, and no mustard. I would like a toasted bun, and I want mayonnaise, but I want the bun crunchy when it gets here so please leave the top bun off and put the mayonnaise on the side. Fries and a side of ranch. Oh, also, I think we’ll get an appetizer. Onion rings, also with a side of ranch.” She closed her menu and handed it to the waitress. Then she looked over at Griffin. “You like onion rings, right? I love fried food.”

  And it shows.

  “Wow, someone’s tired tonight…” Lena snorted.

  Master Spelman gave them a suspicious look before placing his order. After Ava and Griffin had placed their orders and the waitress had walked away, he continued to talk and not look at her.

  Don’t undermine my authority. I’m here in your grandfather’s stead, and you will respect me. You’ve made it ultimately clear that this is a professional relationship, so stop acting like it’s not. It’s not a game, and I’m sick of your childish attempts for attention.

  Lena was taken off guard. He had been distant since they had yelled at each other in the library, and he had tried to convince her once before that he was done with her, but she was almost sure he was serious this time. He wasn’t amused. He wasn’t smiling, or even smirking at her when Master Spelman asked him if Daray had specified any further sleeping arrangements if they couldn’t find a hotel with adjoining rooms. He wasn’t happy to be there, and he even seemed to be avoiding her at times. Even though he was usually one of the people stationed in the adjoining room, he never stopped over to talk or check on her. In fact, the only times he had talked to her since the mission began were to lecture her about how badly she was screwing things up—whether the scope included her whole life or just how she let Ava drink too much.

  Ava was crankier than usual that night at the hotel, and Lena suspected it had something to do with the fact that she was finally coming off of her perpetual alcohol induced happiness. After she had finally taken four aspirin and settled down to sleep, Lena got up and went into the other room. Griffin appeared to be sleeping while Master Prescot watched a late night television show with the volume turned down. He watched her inquiringly as she walked over, picked up a pillow, and then dropped it on Griffin’s face. He shot straight up, stared wildly around the room, and then glared at Lena when his eyes landed on her. He turned over and laid back down.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  Master Prescot had gone back to watching the television, but Lena could tell that he was listening intently. He wasn’t part of the New Faith movement, but he was staunchly anti-Old Faith because he feared the reopening of the portal. Apparently he had been to college to study biology, and was one of the few Silenti scientists who had studied diseases from the standpoint that it was possible they had come from another world. While Lena had never had a personal conversation with him, Ben Collins had at some point, because she had dreamed it. Many years earlier, he had testified before the Council that “while the pathogens aren’t provably extraterrestrial, there is a fair chance that they were not originally from Earth.”

  “Why?” Griffin grunted.

  Lena glanced over at Master Prescot, then leaned in closer. “It’s personal.”

  Griffin didn’t move for a moment, but then threw the blankets off and stood up in one movement. He walked over to the balcony, opened it, and gestured her out. It had better be damned important, because I’m too tired to be dealing with you right now.

  Once they were both out on the balcony, Griffin had closed the door, and Master Prescot was watching them very obviously, Lena settled herself by leaning against the wall of the hotel and looking out across the city lights.

  “You can’t tell her what to do.” Lena said.

  “The hell I can’t.” Griffin replied. “I’m doing what’s best for her, like Master Daray told me to. Even you can’t deny she’s been drinking a lot lately.”

  “She has, but it’s because this is hard for her. She doesn’t like to travel—“

  “—because of the mistake of her marriage. I get it. I’m going back to bed now.” He reached for the door handle, but Lena caught his hand before it got there.
  “Why are you being so touchy lately?”

  Griffin stared at her hand on his own. “I’m not.”

  Lena removed her hand. “Then why’d you yell at me at dinner? You’re being a real brat lately…”

  “You’re the brat here, Lena.” His voice was full of loathing. Lena pulled her eyes away from the sparkling city lights and glanced over at Griffin. His eyes were burning. His voice had gone icy; even though he wasn’t yelling, it felt like he was. “You’re the one turning the world upside down because you think it will buy your freedom, but let me assure you it won’t. None of them have any intention of ever letting you out of Waldgrave. You’re the ungrateful brat who’s dragged us all out here on a worthless pursuit so that you can put power in the hands of the New Faith Representatives. And once they have it, our lives aren’t going to get any easier. They don’t trust you now, and they won’t trust you then. All this is going to do is make it harder, Lena. Once they have it, our support is gone. They’ll have all the control, and they’ll do with us as they please. Our lives are over after you put it in their hands.”

  He yanked the sliding glass door open and almost sent it crashing off its runner. Suddenly realizing that Master Prescot was staring at them, he turned to Lena with a tired look in his eyes. His voice was back to normal volume and tone. “I’ll tell Master Daray your concern, and we’ll discuss it again tomorrow.”

  He got back in bed. Lena walked in, shut the sliding door behind her, and felt Master Prescot’s eyes on her the whole way back to her room. She got into bed and her mind was racing. It was Griffin, because he was tired. It had to be, because she had thought her plan out very carefully. They had to let her go, right? If they had it, there wouldn’t be any reason to keep her locked up. She was going to leave the Silenti world afterwards, anyway; but then, she was Howard’s heir now.